Chair and Piglet Love

It seems that thrifting can sometime run in cycles. Often times you find similar items for several weeks in a row. This week was one of those weeks. I wasn’t really looking for additional outdoor seating, but when I saw these metal chairs at my neighbor’s curb, I couldn’t get them out of my mind.

The thought that they would go into the trash truck to be crushed just would not leave my mind. I did not sleep well that night worrying about these chairs. After dressing for work the next morning, I knocked on my neighbor’s door to see if I could claim these chairs as my own. She was happy for me to haul them across the street. The one on the far right was her father’s so that one for sure is vintage if not antique. I see a project in my future, but one I will gladly undertake to rescue these lovely chairs. Would you have done the same?

After reading BJ’s post The Chair at Sweet Nothings, I couldn’t stop thinking about that slipcover. I have a thing for black and white and especially when they are together as checks or polka dots. Anyway, I scooted right over to The Country Door to check out this slipcover. One problem, I didn’t have a parsons chair. I thought that maybe I would try this cover on a dining room chair until I could get a parsons chair, so I ordered two of them at great savings cyber Monday. Saturday I was checking out a thrift shop for a Santa figure I had seen earlier in the week, but didn’t pick up. Well, we all know how that usually works out. The Santa was gone, but what to my eyes should appear, two chairs when covered with a slipcover would look so dear.

I called my husband to join me (he has the SUV) and we loaded them up. Here they are waiting for their steam clean treatment before they are allowed into the house. The best part is that they were $19.99 each. Even better is that Saturday furniture was 40% off. Yes, I got these two very comfortable beauties made by a fine Maryland furniture manufacturer for less than $25! I can’t wait to see them dressed in their new slipcovers.

Before I spied the black chairs, I found a delicate Piglet figurine which caught my eye and my heart. I happen to be a Piglet fan. For $2.16 I thought this little Piglet deserved to come home with me.

I think a Pooh collector may have dropped off their collection. I saw quite a few Eeyore figures and then I ran across this mug. The outside was in pristine condition; the inside has some scratching but still looks good enough to use.

See that cute little Piglet on the mug? This is a generously sized mug which will hold a large cup of coffee or hot cocoa. After a run through the dishwasher, it’s going in the cabinet. I think I will smile every time I use this delightful mug.

What about you? Have you been finding like items this week, too?

I hope to join the parties at Flea Market Finds at Her Library Adventures, Apron Thrift Girl’s Thrift Share Monday, Knick of Time’s Knick of Time Tuesday, Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays at Coastal Charm, Thrifty Thursday at Tales from Bloggeritaville, Thrifty Things Friday at The Thrifty Groove, and The Penny Worthy Project at Hey, What’s for Dinner Mom?


About tammylovesdishes

I love searching for dishes for tablescaping. That leads me to yard sales and thrift shops and fun, fun, fun.
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13 Responses to Chair and Piglet Love

  1. I am so envious of those metal chairs, so glad you rescued them. I saw some at the estate sale I went to this weekend but the prices were to high. Lucky you getting them for free. Piglet has always been my favorite.

  2. gina says:

    Oh, I definitely would have hauled those great chairs home!! I can’t wait to see what you do with them!

  3. SixBalloons says:

    Nice finds! I am glad you made a home for those old chairs.

  4. Deana Wood says:

    My grandpa & his best friend would sit in green chairs just like those for hours & visit under a shade tree. Sadly, both have passed away. When his friend’s family had an estate sale last summer we bought the chairs and brought them home. Some things are just worth keeping. 🙂

  5. Zara says:

    I would have rescued those metal chairs too, such character they have. x

  6. Pingback: Thrifting Blog Digest-#8 |

  7. Oh, those old vintage chairs are awesome! My mom has a couple and I have been threatening to steal them! All of your finds are wonderful and thank you in advance for joining TTF! Have a fun day!

  8. Your chairs are fabulous, I wouldn’t have been able to leave them there for the trash either!
    You got some cute things from the thrift store, very cute! You did good on the parson chairs, they will be wonderful once covered! Can’t wait to see!

  9. Linda@Coastal Charm says:

    My goodness…you are in CHAIR HEAVEN!!! So glad that you didn’t let those cool outdoor chairs go to the dump…oh yes I would have done the same thing. Great deal on the black ones.


  10. Entertaining Women says:

    You hit the jackpot. Great gets! Cherry Kay

  11. Hi darling, I’m like you once it’s in my mind it won’t leave. lol I’m glad you brought these beauties home. hugs ~lynne~

  12. Great finds! Happy week!…hugs…Debbie

  13. Christine says:

    You really scored big time, Tammy. So happy for you! Can’r wait to see your parsons chairs in your new covers,…Christine

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